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Whether you are looking for individual skill development or to build the capacity of your staff, we can support you. Explore the entry points below to find the best option to fit your needs and aspirations.
Our flagship coach training course with Prof. Christian van Nieuwerburgh – fully ONLINE over 6 months with a GLOBAL cohort and a pathway to EMCC credentials.
A practical evidence-based course providing in-depth learning and experience of the application of coaching approaches as a highly effective way of leading in schools and other education settings.
Engage us to support the design and implementation of your professional learning journey.
Our most popular online and in-person course – a grounding in the three elements of our approach to effective coaching in education.
In partnership with Instructional Coaching Group, a course for instructional leaders and coaches – in-person and online.
Drawing on the three elements of effective mentoring and coaching, this course equips mentors and leaders with the essential skills, knowledge, and strategies to best serve the needs of those their mentees.
In-person or online course designed to help pairs of teachers engage in reciprocal peer coaching conversations using video observation.
In partnership with Instructional Coaching Group, an in-person course designed to enhance conversations and relationships for all.
A brief introduction to coaching practice for educators – available in-person and online.
With an emphasis is on managing challenging conversations, this course is designed for leaders and managers who want to enhance their confidence, skills, and understanding to engage in these conversations in ways that maintain high expectations alongside constructive relationships.
Drawing on the three elements of effective mentoring and coaching, this course equips mentors and leaders with the essential skills, knowledge, and strategies to best serve the needs of those their mentees.
This 1-day course guides coaches and leaders through the development of an instructional playbook, an essential tool for every coach.
A blended or fully online ‘train the trainer’ course for educators who want to use their GCI coaching training to train students as coaches.
An online or in-person course to extend your coaching and leadership repertoire using Solutions Focus (SF) tools.
Online course designed by Prof. Christian van Nieuwerburgh for coaches looking to take their coaching to the next level.
A guided small group process supporting coaches and leaders to continue their own professional learning through regular reflection sessions – online and in-person.
Aimed at participants who have completed the Coaching Accreditation Program Phases 1-3 or Coaching in Leadership course, this is an opportunity to deepen their knowledge, skills and experience of coaching.
Flexibly scheduled 1-1 online coaching sessions with one of our consultant coaches.
A facilitated process designed to support leadership teams from setting the strategic direction through to implementation of key objectives – online and in-person.
Individual supervision sessions with one of our Accredited Coaching Supervisors.
An online or in-person course to extend your coaching and leadership repertoire using Solutions Focus (SF) tools.
This course is for experienced coaches who are interested in taking their practice to the next level. It is designed to support active reflection on your current coaching practice leading to new insight and awareness. The course, based on the book Advanced Coaching Practice co-authored by Professor Christian van Nieuwerburgh and David Love, will support you to address the question “how can I be of even better service to those around me?”
This course is delivered by GCI under our partnership agreement with Instructional Coaching Group (ICG). Designed around the key themes of the book, Better Conversations: Coaching ourselves and each other to be more credible, caring and connected, the aim of the course is to present a framework for improving professional dialogue within education communities and beyond. In Dr Jim Knight’s words:
“Effective communication is an essential skill for a fulfilled life, and we can’t teach it to students if we don’t know how to do it ourselves.”
Our flagship coach training course with Prof. Christian van Nieuwerburgh, delivered fully ONLINE over 6 months with a GLOBAL cohort and a pathway to individual European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) credentials. EMCC is an international body seeking to develop, promote, and set the expectation of best practice in mentoring, coaching, and supervision.
This course provides comprehensive training for educators in the skills, conversational frameworks, and "way of being" of coaching. Designed for educators by educators, the Coaching Accreditation Program takes into account the particular circumstances and context of the participants so that the professional learning is immediately applicable in educational settings.
Coaching in Leadership is a practical evidence-based course providing in-depth learning and experience of the application of coaching approaches as a highly effective way of leading in schools and other education settings. Coaching in Leadership is fundamentally about how to best support and grow the capacity, motivation and wellbeing of others through more intentional conversations that lead to better relationships and, ultimately, better outcomes for students.
Designed specifically for current and aspiring leaders in educational settings, this course offers an extended cohort learning experience aligned with internationally recognized coaching and mentoring credentials.
Drawing on the three elements of effective mentoring and coaching, this course equips mentors and leaders with the essential skills, knowledge, and strategies to best serve the needs of those their mentees.
Learn how to be a high-quality mentor and better share options, knowledge and expertise in way that empowers mentees to grow, develop and take action.
A brief practical introduction to the elements of effective coaching practice with a focus on the GROWTH conversational framework and key coaching skills.
Individual Coaching provides ‘on demand’ access to an expert coach for anyone working in an educational context. It is personalised, confidential, flexibly scheduled and time efficient – more so than just about any other form of professional learning.
It is a safe space to think and reach greater clarity around your next steps as a leader, educator or coach.
Individual Coach Supervision supports a coach to learn from reflecting on their coaching. The coach (supervisee) and the supervisor collaboratively reflect on whatever aspect of coaching the coach has chosen to bring to supervision.
Individual Coach Supervision is highly valuable whether you are new to coaching and are seeking to build greater confidence as a coach or whether you are a more experienced coach desiring to be more conscious of your competence in terms of your approach and what you are bringing to the coaching experience for your clients.
Growth Coaching International, alongside the Instructional Coaching Group, is delighted to be able host the Instructional Coaching Institute with Dr Jim Knight in Australia and Asia in 2025.
The Intensive Coaching Module is an advanced offering designed to further develop your coaching practice and extend your experience with the support of a GCI accredited expert coach. Working with you as a coaching supervisor, you will develop and enhance your skills and habits of reflecting on your practice.
This practical course explores all three elements of effective coaching practice: the GROWTH conversational framework; the key coaching skills; a coaching Way of Being; and how to apply these in a range of conversational contexts.
As leaders, we all find some conversations more challenging than others and the ability to initiate and manage these conversations is key to effective leadership. This might depend on the topic, who the conversation is with and the context of the conversation.
With an emphasis on managing challenging conversations, this course is designed for leaders and managers who want to enhance their confidence, skills, and understanding to engage in these conversations in ways that maintain high expectations alongside constructive relationships.
Success in managing challenging conversations is based on three broad features:
This course is designed to help teachers engage in rigorous, collaborative conversations focused on improving teaching practice. Developed jointly with the Instructional Coaching Group, this course introduces a reciprocal collaborative cycle of coaching conversations that are based on the principles of partnership and trust. Classroom video is used, as one way of capturing the ‘reality’ of what is happening, to enhance the process by helping teachers to identify and monitor progress towards student-centred professional learning goals.
Reflective Practice is a structured and guided group process supporting participants to continue their own professional learning through regular reflection sessions with like-minded colleagues.
Reflective Practice assumes knowledge and practice of coaching.
Groups are either:
Students Coaching Students is a train-the-trainer course that builds on prior coaching knowledge and experience to support educators to develop peer coaching between their students to enhance their success and wellbeing.
The Solutions Focus Coaching Masterclass refines and extends your coaching repertoire by intentionally integrating pragmatic and proven Solutions Focus methods into coaching and leadership conversations.
The Solutions Focus methodology can change the direction of your conversations, enabling you to foster a creative and enabling mindset in yourself and others where there is positive progress towards broader organisational goals.
This course is presented by GCI in Australia and New Zealand in partnership with the Centre for Solutions Focus at Work.
This instructional coaching course is delivered by GCI under our partnership agreement with Instructional Coaching Group (ICG).
Designed around the key themes of the book - The Impact Cycle: What Instructional Coaches Should Do to Foster Powerful Improvements in Teaching - the aim of this course is to support educators in establishing instructional coaching cycles that lead to improved teaching and student learning.
To be effective, coaches need to have a deep understanding of high-impact teaching strategies. They also need to be able to clearly explain those strategies. Creating an instructional playbook addresses both these aspects of coaching.
This 1-day course guides coaches and leaders through the development of an instructional playbook, an essential tool for every coach.
“The instructional playbook, first, is a tool that helps coaches develop the deep knowledge they need in order to be effective. Second, the playbook is a concise collection of tools that coaches create and then use to support teacher learning. We say that an instructional playbook is the missing link for translating research into practice because creating a playbook compels coaches to develop the deep knowledge and the tools they need to support teachers as they learn, implement, refine, and adapt practices to meet their students’ needs”
– Jim Knight
Team Coaching offers a facilitated process designed to support leadership teams working on significant areas or priorities for their context - from setting strategic directions, creating implantation plans, or tracking implementation and actions.
Team Coaching provides a supportive developmental approach and accountability process that helps teams identify what is needed for success and then achieve it.
It is available in-person or online to address short-term initiatives or longer-term strategic goals.
CoachED Update and GCI Insights are our regular e-publications. Sign-up to be the first to hear about the latest Coaching in Education insights, news and events.